3. Set up your own blog* & add your first post.
4. Register your blog with PLYMC Blog Central* and begin your Learning 2.0 journey. If you’ve made it this far, you have already completed three items or “things” of the 23 that are required to earn the MP3 player (not to mention qualify for the Staff Day drawing for other prizes.)
Continue recording your progress on each of the 23 things.*
* You will need to have a Google account to create your blog and to make comments on anyone else’s blog. Here is a link to the site where you can establish a Google account if you do not already have one: When creating a Google account, please note:
- Your Google Account username should be an email address from which you currently send and receive mail.
- Your password must be at least eight characters long and can't be a commonly used word. Please select a unique combination of letters and numbers.
- In the Word Verification section, you'll need to type the wavy characters exactly as they appear in the picture.
- Creating a Google Account does not give you a Gmail account.
*Once you set up your blog send an e-mail with the blog web address (example: ) and blog title to to "register" with the blog team.
* Make sure that your blog contains an entry or some commentary for each of the 23 Things discussing what you did, your reaction to the exercise, and any additional comments the experience inspires.
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