Monday, November 17, 2008

Beyond Thing 23...

At the end of Learning 2.0 there was interest in continuing to learn about things technological and Learning 2.1 emerged; you can subscribe to the RSS feed or to e-mail delivery of new lessons at this site.

Below are links to some of the things beyond 23...

Thing 24: Got file conversion issues?

Thing 25: Newsletters in a Pop!

Thing 26: Little bits of the Internet, on your desktop

Thing 27: Photobucket

Thing 28: Well we're big rock singers…

Thing 29: Scrapblog - I'm in Love

Thing 30: I'm in UR Libary, Readin UR b00ks

Thing 31: Get Organized with Plaxo

Thing 32 - Online File Storage with Omnidrive

Thing 33 - Express Yourself with Online Art

Thing 34 - Using the Web for Better Health

Thing 35 - Mini or Micro Blogging

Thing 36 - Dressing up Your Photos

Thing 37 - Music to Our Ears

Thing 38 - Comic Relief

Thing 39 - Animoto

Thing 40 - Retroland

Thing 41 - Live Mocha

Thing 42 - Google Groups/Usenet

Thing 43 - Midi Files

Thing 44 - Nag Yourself

Thing 45 - Go with the Flow

Thing 46 - Updates

Thing 47 - Jam Studio

Thing 48 - Is there any free AND legal music out there?

Thing 49 - So Many Great Music Sites, So Little Time!

Thing 50 - I'm Cooked!

Thing 51 - Libraries and the social web a hot topic

Thing 52 - Clip the highlights with Clipmarks!

Thing 53 - LitLovers

Thing 54 - BookJetty

Thing 55 - Slideshare - Presentations online!

Thing 56 - Smile in a box?

Thing 57 - Tastespotting - Yum!

Thing 58 - Being Green

Thing 59 - Authors on the Web

Thing 60 - Facebook

Thing 61 - Library Apps on and for FB

Thing 62 - PDF Form-Topia:

Thing 63 - PDF Form-Topia: PDF Form Filler Freeware

Thing 64- One-hit wonders

Thing 65 - It's hard to think about anything else

Thing 66 - Directory 2.0

Thing 67 - Stress Savers

Thing 68 - Filtering Flickr

Thing 69 - Feed My Inbox

Thing 70: Free (and legal!) MP3 downloads